La cascada de la tomata es una bella caída de agua de más de 23 m. con un entorno precioso, lleno de vegetación. Se puede contemplar la formación de bellos arcoiris que hacen de este lugar una verdadera maravilla. Esta update tiene ya un par de semanas, y es que no me ha sido fácil actualizar el blog desde Mexico así que voy a ir sacando varias noticias de mi viaje.
This and more old updates are coming now, I haven't had much time in Mexico to write so here it goes now!
Mexican local in the bus to Atzalan. |
Life smiles to us, yesterday I paddled Big Banana section with my friend Gael, aventurec gave us a ride to the put-in, then paddled all the river and take-out at tomata bridge. Then we had to figure out how to come back home, something like 25 km. by foot was not an option. We failed on the first bus stop, but get in to the second, paid 10 pesos and went straight to aventurec with the kayaks and the paddles, no problem!
So the next morning we didn't even asked for a ride in aventurec, we just went to the road and took the first bus we saw. Love this country!
Aniol y Gael camino a la cascada de tomata con camión! |
Mexican locals smiling to the girls. |
cobra getting in to the river. |
Dandole el scouting final. |
choosing the middle line as normally. |
Tomata paradise! |
putting the nose down. |
Tuve una muy buena línea, manteniendo el bote recto y con el ángulo correcto durante toda la caída, instantes antes de recepcionar tiro la pala y me agarró de mi cubre. Esta es una técnica muy buena, la entrada al agua es mas suave, no partes la pala y normalmente, no te salta el cubre.
Gael Caride giving it all. |
Another beautiful shot of myself In tomata I. by Joel kowalski. |
Cobra scouting one of the best rapids in Mexico with the beautiful Tomata I in his back. |
Thanks to Nina Kuehnle, Netta Hansnar, Joel kowalski, Thank you!
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