lunes, 7 de junio de 2010

Expression Session, Sort.

Some weeks ago we had an expression session in our new hole In Sort. Consists on a normal session, where you try to give your best, then the same paddlers judge who was the best paddler of the session. A lot of people came during all the afternoon,and we had the opportunity to show freestyle kayak to many people that don't know a shit about it.

El pasado mes de mayo se disputó en el nuevo rulo de Sort el Expression Session. Se trata de hacer una sesión como de entreno intentando dar el mayor espectáculo. Al acabar los palistas se votan entre ellos y se elíge al ganador! Mucha gente se pasó ese dia por la tarde, tuvimos la oportunidad de enseñar lo que es el rodeo a mucha gente que lo desconoce totalmente.

Sort 2010 new spot.

Ian style.

da fucking cobra.

Ali master spinning faster than anyone.

Aniol going for a frontflip.

El organizador de la prueba, Thor Sanabria de Dr X.

Sick shot by uri rastas!

No oígo na!

Another entry kickflip.

non-paddle frontflip.

Pablo entry move.

Barru flying high.

aixare going for a nice loop.

In the end I got first, Oriol Colomé was second and Pau Clotet was third. With girls Yus took the 1st place followed by Rossa and Ali.

Al final quedé primero, Oriol Colomé fué segundo y tercero Pau Clotet. En chicas Jus agarró la primera plaza seguída de Rossa y Ali.

Thanks Doctor X for organize such a good event. See you next year!


2 comentarios:

Bruno dijo...

Parabéns Aniol! Estais muito bem no freestyle também!

Saudações do Brasil,

E.G. dijo...

mira el ratone!!!! k buena la barba k teni weon...ya tengo el demshitz voy a mandar lo ahorita!!! a la laura...avisame cuando llegan