sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2009

Tres Saltooos Again, and Again.

Después de una larga noche en el Mamma's nos hemos despertado tarde y hemos decidído ír a correr 3 saltos. A medida que avanza la temporada aquí en Pucón está llegando gente de todas partes, ayer llegaron los chicos Young Guns Tyler Bradt (el hombre world record) y Rush Sturges wena onda! Estos dias ha estado hacíendo mucho frío, llovíendo a todas horas y hasta nevando!! Hemos remado el Trancura con mangote (mini zambezi style), el Nevados con harta agua, Desagüe, Palguin... El Volcán de Villarica debe tener harta nieve pero hara más de 2 semanas que no tenemos el placer de verlo... qué salga el sol yaaa!!!

Finally after a long night In the Mamma's we woke up late and decided to go 3 saltos!
As the season progresses here in Pucón more people have shown up da younguns Tyler Bradt (world record men) and Rush Sturges arrived yesterday and here they are killin'it! Here are some good shots from 3 saltos this morning with a big group of people. We haven't been paddling a lot all this days because It was so cold, and raining all the fucking day, also snowing.... We have paddled Trancura with big water (it's like mini zambezi, so sick), Desagüe....

Getting ready In Garcia's Home.

Tyler, Jared and Ian deciding who goes first.

Tyler y su camarita.

Jared Seiler The Boss!!

Demshitz are faggots!!

Ian Garcito killin'it first.

Rodrigo crazy line!

Jared just before to broke his back. Nice boof!

Rush Sturges recording.

Trauco on his 2nd run with a great line.

Me with my best line ever on that drop.


Sol de Argentina, la primera chica en correr esta cascada, y corrió 2 veces el mísmo dia!!! Respect!!

This young girl from argentina have made the 1st female descent of this waterfall, and ran It twice!!! RESPECT!

Sol Killin'it On her first run.


Garcia's Truck full of kayaks!

The crew!


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