lunes, 29 de julio de 2013

Norway stories #1

It’s been an epic one month trip to Norway!! The water levels have been way lower than in our first year but that hasn’t been bad at all cause we got to run different sections which normally are too high!!  Lots of good times with my friends, amazing paddling and the most fun I’ve had kayaking in the last few years…  

good times with EG the killer... so much learnt after kayaking one month with this guy!!
What  I love most about Norway is the amount of possibilities you have when deciding to go kayaking. Everywhere you look there’s water falling off the mountains, it doesn’t take much rain either to make the rivers rise up. That’s because everything is so wet already and there’s not much soil to drain the water.
Anton & Mathias walking back from a sick park-huck!

Yeah this is the place !!! Paradise for any kind of kayaker, from class II to class VIII Norway has it all and it has it on big amounts.  

MR. Flemming is the most bad-ass kayaker I have ever met... 
We been doing lots of shooting with Evan and Fred the creators of Substantial media house. They just bought a Sony FS which shoots at 240 fps. so make sure to check out their new Scandinavian episode, It’s going to be next level!!!

driving back from Rauma after a really good day of kayaking!
good camping next to the Songdal. stoked to have a motivated Pyranha team this year  that wanted to do crazy stuff everyday instead of sticking to the class II....
EG running a nice waterfall next to Sjoa.
camping in Norway!! so good!
scouting a really good rapid in Polfossen... lost my paddle after the entrance and beatered the rest of the rapid..
upper rapids in the Tora Bora... quality!!
Marsal running the last part of rapid #7 in the Rauma

Nosebreaker!!! such a powerful waterfall!
#5 of the rauma!
following my buddy down the polfossen! 
the pro's getting close to double drop!
really good crew this year!!
1st rapid of the rauma..
flemming's screenshot!! such a rowdy drop!

who's going first??? this one looks great in this picture.. but it was so scary/powerful. 
MR. Immler loving the teigdal section!

Here’s a recap of our mission:

Swimmers count:
David Bain x4 swims
Matt Cookie x2 swims
Aniol & Fred 1x swim

EG enjoying the views!

Broken Gear:
6x broken/lost paddles
3x broken kayaks

-       1x broken back “unfortunately there was a major injury for wich I feel so bad cause I really know myself what is like “ heal up well Matt !
-       big cuts on hands, tendinitis on elbows & busted fingers.

Anton on the #2 of the Rauma!

EG sequence!

Best day of kayaking: Second run on the Rauma (EG, Flemming and myself ran all but Flemming’s drop with 10 min).

Best food: Cookies thai food or Fred chicken rice!! It was fucking awesome!!

Best waterfall: 1st D of “sick boaten falls” somewhere around Valldal was my favorite!!

Best rapid: Tyler’s rapid in Valldala was a really stout/scary one!

Joregen becoming a man!!
Best river: Rauma and Skjoli at high water are my favorites!!

Best party: Sjoa party followed by a late play run to Amot 5 AM run !!  

Best carnage: French guy line on double drop was insane!!

Major fuck up: running Karl’s car out of gas after taking his car without asking him… sorry man!!!

Best present: Sweet protection dry suits and the Homeless jacket are the most expensive/bad ass piece of gear that I will probably ever own!! Thanks so much Goran for treating us like kings every time we come to Norway!! So stoked to be part of the team sweet!!

Norwegian playing our Baker video on my way back from Oslo!!! STOKED!!!
Getting my stuff ready to travel to BC pretty soon!! Can't wait!! More news soon!

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Did somebody run the second waterfall of the Sjoa Ridderspranget section?