On 22 of December de 1st pucón river fest was celebrated In Plutón. With all kinds of events, rafting, slalom and the big one the extrem kayak race In the Upper Palguin. The event was made by Ben from Kayak Chile. We made 2 teams, while the 1st ones where racing the other group was making safety.
Todas las ratas juntas en Kayak Chile listas para ír a correr la SHIT.
Justó antes de empezar las carreras!
El evento atrajó a harta gente de todos los sitios de gringolandia, russos, checos, franceses, italianos, argentinos.....estuvo muy bién!
Greenballs remando a tope a por el jamón!
En mi primera manga me tocó competir contra Sergio Vidal y Adam de kayak chile, hizé una buena salida y gané la manga.
Las cosas se complicarón en la segunda manga y me tocó con los capo's Ian y Jared. La salida me salió muy bien y salí a tope, y justó detrás tenia al Diablito empujandó fuerte. Al final logré acabar la manga en 1a posición con la rata de jared muy cerca!! que pasó weooon??
In my first heat I ran against Sergio and Adam, It was all good and I managed to be the 1st to arrive.
Things where more complicated In the second heat running against the capo's Ian and Diablito. It was lucky in the 1st drop where jared got pushed to the left eddy and garcito just ate shit. diablito pushed me all the time to theend, and we almost arrived at the same time, but la cobra is la COBRA!
Una muy buena foto de Juanjo de los 3 peleando por la 1a plaza.
Sick photo by Juanjo, Carnage!
En la 3a y última manga salí primero pero perdí el boof en el 1er drop, Keegan ganó la carrera seguido de cerca de Evan Garcia.
It was me , Keegan and Evan In the final. After a good start I lost my boof In the 1st drop and ate shit. Keegan won the race followed by Evan.
Cobra, Keegan y Evan fighting for the glory.
My favourite swimmer drinking his bootie after a really gay swam jaja
Fué un evento muy entretenido de kayakeros para kayakeros, muy buena onda entre todos!
Luegó hubo un asado enorme y una gran fiesta en Pucón!
It was a really fun event from kayakers for kayakers, really good vibrations between all of the competitors.
There was a huge asado after the competition and a big party In Plutón!
Aquí os dejó un video de la competición realizado por Lobo Productions. ENJOY.
Video Pucón Kayak Fest
Thanks Ben from Kayak Chile for this great event.
Thanks Juanjo for the Photos.